Unit 149 (WUMBA) - District 13
Interesting Hands: Balancing
Subject: Balancing agreements
Event: Instant Matchpoint Game 1 June 4, 1999
Board: Bd.#28
Dealer: West
Vul: N/S
S A J 9 3 2
H 9 8
D K J 10 4 2
C 9
Mike is North
S Q 10
H J 6 5 4
D A 6 3
C A Q J 4
  S K 8 6 5
H 7
D Q 8 7 5
C 8 7 5 3
  S 7 4
H A K Q 10 3 2
D 9
C K 10 6 2
Caryl is South
The Auction
1 C 1 S P2 H
P P X All Pass

We have scored in the 90's,on a top of 100,during these Instant Matchpoint Games but, this is a rare 100+.

East was trying to compete with what, I'm sure, he thought was a perfect shape take-out Double. West thought he was in good shape to punish South for getting into the auction Caryl and I could just shrug our passes. Result: +870.

It is very important for partnerships to have some idea on what to expect in "Balancing" auctions. To their credit, E/W had a civil discussion after this result.