Competive Bidding versus Weak-2 bids
Board: ?? Dealer: West? Vul: ?? |
A 9 x x A K x x A x J x x |
North takes the first swing position [ed] |
K 10 x x x x x x K x Q x x |
Q x x J x x x x x 10 9 x x |
J x Q J 10 x x Q 10 x A K x |
South takes the next swing position |
2 | P (1) | P | 4 (2) |
P | 6 (3) | All pass | |
(1) Roth-Stone have nothing on North [ed] (2) Taking a swing position [ed] (3) Now making up for prior position |
Low club is lead
Narrative provided by North (South?), makes no difference, each is willing to take chances.
Original Narrative: The 6H call was "The Flash" with his imagination in overdrive. Once the Jack of clubs held, LHO cannot hold KQ of spades. Trump are drawn, Ace and King of clubs are cashed, Jack of spades led and ducked. If Queen wins, East must lead a diamond to 10 and King, and it's over. If King of spades covers Jack, South ducks, finesses the 9 of spades and South has a spade-diamond squeeze.